  • 18
    How to get famous on instagram..

    things to mention in your description: gay, vegeterian and at least 1 minority (religion or race will do)
    content as a woman: show as much skin as possible
    content as a man: go to the gym and then show as much skin as possible
    and then disagree with everything the media and scientists say

    tadaa, you'll have thousands of followers.
  • 0
    May be but I'm not sure with this
  • 2
    @just8littleBit can't fault the influencer for capitalizing on human psychology.
  • 1
    @projektaquarius can't fault burglars to capitalize on lack of decent protection of property

    Though I understand your point, with such a mindset nothing is wrong for money
  • 1
    @CodeTalker disagree. You're not necessarily hurting anyone by being an influencer.
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