
Fuck you mod_security 😠😩😰😱

We lost a weak of user submission because mod_security was silently droping form post requests.

  • 13
    An entire weak, you say?

    Man, that's tough!
    It seems your testing might have been rather week though..
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    @forkbomber It's a custom CMS that allows a client to manage their own campains. Meaning they also choose the page URL by them self. By some reason the person who created the page tought it would be a good idea to put two dashes in a row in a URL (https://domain.com/page--name/) . Mod security didn't like that. Lesson learned. I need to change the url validation function.

    These are HR people not IT. The client doesn't want to pay us to manage the content. They also dont want to hire the webmaster to manage their page. As a result mostly people in marketing has to manage the website content as a extra task.
  • 1
    Fuck you too - mod_security
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