Well I might be asking too much, but is it possible to get a mentor for free in learning android development and perhaps get help from him/her to land a job?
About me: I'm an undergraduate student, currently unable to get a job because of COVID-19. I have experience in Programming problem solving. I also do android development for about 2 years and have 2 apps published in google play store.

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    I think your issue might be networking skills (social not technical)
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    @odite yeah social and financial both :(
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    I'm lost
    You want to learn android dev, but already have apps? These things don't usually go together.
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    @C0D4 I want to learn from a mentor personally. I have apps but they are not industry standard, they're just made by me. But I'd like to learn the best practices and learn how a professional develops android apps. I hope u got my point
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