What was the weirdest app/website idea u ever had but will never execute??

  • 9
    Converting useful units to random useless ones.

    1 foot = 5 standard imperial bananas
    1 m^3 = 10 large chickens

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    @AlmondSauce well that might just work in the US xD (Don't mean to be racist :p )
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    An API that manages authentication, spitting out session tokens, allowing you to store metadata in them, invalidating them, etc. so you don't have to hand roll it each time. Comes with a node sdk/module which caches tokens so you don't have to call the API every time.
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    Raspberry Pi + camera + gun.

    Attach the camera to a high powered rifle scope. Use image detection, to detect a deer (or whatever other creature you so choose to eradicate) use stepper motors to aim the gun which centers the animal of interest in the scope. Shoot. Repeat.
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    Turning my home lights on using my own brains EEG.
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    @BobbyTables well that sounds dangerous!
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    @Ranchu That might be achievable!
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    @RobbieGM That is an excellent idea! How come u never executed it!
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    @Al@ALIAKBERAAKASH working on a freelance project right now and I'm afraid that if I start on a side project too much of my time will go into it 😂
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    How about one I actually made?

    A voice-controlled media center, as you might imagine it didn't as well as I'd hoped.
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    @RobbieGM you'll always have time to work on it later! I'd love to see this executed!
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    @stonestorm well it does sound impressive!
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    @ALIAKBERAAKASH I built it as part of a home automation project I started about 15 years ago (before Google home, Alexa, etc) but was only ever a side project.
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    Wow this is kinda wholesome
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    @Jilano Fucking. Washing Machines.
    I mean, ad victoriam ex machina, but I can't shake the feeling that they horribly misinterpreted that.
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    @BobbyTables dude that is an amazing idea!! Add a laser sensor to that scope to approximate the distance, lock-on to most appropriate vital organ - given the (deers) orientation - maybe a little spinning wheel fan attached to a motor to gauge wind speed.. it would be cool to have the display overlay appear in the scope.. could maybe repurpose a smartwatch lcd, broken/old dslr for the cmos sensor.. the overlay can give hints like up,down,left,right,fire.. focal lens from a mobile phone vr kit.. I'm just realizing, I should probably we working harder on my own problems 🙈. This is more brainstorming than I've done in weeks
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    @pLeThOrAx Yep! Lots of possibilities.
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    @Ranchu what if, now bare with me on this, what if... you get your entire head tattoo in a maze/spiral of electrocoductive subdermal ink along with a subdermal implant to send a ping when it receives enough input from your brain waves. An app can sit on your mobile phone/network device could listen for that ping and respond accordingly. Course, the maze/spiral might have to resemble nodes like in an eeg machine, and in order to interface with the nodes you'd need something that attaches to your external skin like a pcb bus.... effectively making you a cyborg... dunno if that's the intended direction but it would allow for the use of more Terminator jokes/Arnie impersonations..
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    My current ambition is to build a human level AI, capable of running a dialog-driven game world like how skyrim is. It started with NLP, some 2d/ 3d models of human cognition/emotional propensities from back at varsity, and is now heading to LSTMs for the conscious "temporal" cognition part of things. At the moment the only real headway I've made though is a cognition interface to vectorise words and produce reductions of text that retains core information for later cognition. Its based off a word2vec model but it still needs to be programmed. Ive shifted sights to a different project for now, a multi-vehicle CVRPTW solver in scala (another passion project, ever since my previous job in VRPs)! I thought doing three things at once might keep me sane.. lol. Anywho, I've got the next few months off, so I'm keen to see what I can do when I set my mind to something with the goal of persevering to the very end.
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    @pLeThOrAx Honest opinion?
    I'm a fan of bioengineering and cybernetics and stuff and I think the idea would be hella cool.
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    @Ranchu you'll be happy to see this "news" article from last week then!
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    @pLeThOrAx you're fucking kidding me.
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