Why is it that software engineers seem to get so little respect?
This does not apply to everyone but I have experienced this.

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    They get just as much respect as everybody.
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    @Pyjong , that implies that no one gets enough respect that they deserve.
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    @AngryDev9981 Erm no. That was supposed to deny your premise. sry..
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    Is this about titles?
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    @Demolishun not titles. It is all about fair play and back biting and office politics.
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    @molaram , non technical managers think that writing code is easy as a piece of cake.
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    @AngryDev9981 Ah, gotcha, I have been lucky to not experience that bias. I feel for you.
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    Y2K. That massive money grab fundamentally changed the relationship between technical people and business people.
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    "most people", which is your average mom and pop, have no real comprehension what a software engineer does in the first place, not like doctors, electricians, authors, musicians and have have ye.

    It needs to have a kind of place in society without having to piggyback on being an engineer (I am certainly not an engineer) or going the consultant way, even though you may not be a consultant.
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    @Ubbe , there are people in IT firms who think typing is programming. but they can't type it themselves.
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