today i`m after 3 year fucking android developing
try to show user name on text view but it`s not working, after 3 hours i just site up and site down (i`m boy, fuckers) and suddenly see i stopped boy set data on wrong text view :cry:

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    @molaram I believe the gist off this is that they are frustrated that after 3 years of developing for android, they just spent 3 hours debugging an bug that was not a bug, they put their text (which was not showing up) on the wrong view; Ergo they were on a wild goose chase and none to blame but themselves.

    If I understand it correctly.
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    @molaram its just a rant, men. I myself don't know what i wrote, i don't know its real or not.
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    @stonestorm probably
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    @kleopi i believe germans in progress for a big plan to fuck iran and next step fuck the world
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    @MostafaGhanbari as a german...
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    i just jucked

    relax men

    i love you

    i love your red shoes
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    i just jucked

    i did not mean
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