
Npm is a sickening mess

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    Are you totally sure it's npm and not the Javascript itself?
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    @melezorus34 No doubt the JS itself is a root cause
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    Well, the sheer size of the dependency tree is a mess yes, a real fucking mess in fact and its only getting worse. The tool itself is pretty good and robust, never had any real issues with it. It sure has to be damn good when it needs to deal with that messy dependency tree.

    JS is also pretty good at its intended use case. Manipulating the DOM using prototype orientation and behavior delegation. I am currently maintaining and trying to improve a somewhat complex PDF annotation tool written by someone who believed classes was a thing in JS and its pretty much a lost cause at this point.
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    True man.
    Shit's getting fucking serious mess.
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    @theuser JS is good at it’s intended use case? Seriously?? Then explain jQuery
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    @MrMarco Why yes, with JS they made JQuery. Must be a pretty powerful language then, although JQuery was probably overused as well.

    These days, lodash would be more relevant to bring up.
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    Demo is meant to solve this mess in a way.
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    @Zappy Yes, decentralized dependencies is probably the way to go. That used to be a thing before Node and that's how it should've been in the first place. I hope something like webpack will support Deno at some point.
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    It’s just fascinating to me how people keep polishing the same turd and then trying to make an argument for it being fine. How long has it been now, 25 years !?
    JavaScrip SUCKS and it’s whole ecosystem SUCKS!!!
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    @MrMarco There are lots of turds out there that are being polished, but they are still being used because they've been polished for so long that they just work and an eventual replacement is very long term.

    Also, maybe you should clarify what's wrong with Javascript and the ecosystem in general. Preferably in several sentences.
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    @theuser Do you need explanation about what's wrong with this?
    I'm sorry but you don't need several sentences to point out why JS is shit

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    @MrMarco Showing yet another example of someone abusing the value coercion system is not a good enough explanation.
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    @MrMarco Boy have you ever tried to subtract "le" from "Apple"? Yeah, me too, didn't work.

    But since I'm "triggered"(actually bored) I will explain every god damn line and WHY DO YOU GUYS DON'T RTFM!?


    I feel like Austin from GT now.
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    @melezorus34 It is fairly obvious that he is hating on the type coercion system like roughly 90% of the other JS haters. The rest are far few between, sadly.
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    @theuser dude I don't care that honestly, it didn't make sense to me until rtfm too. HOWEVER the assigntment line f**king killed me.
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