Don't you feel sometimes like you may not be as good dev as you think you are? Like all you do is search for chunks of code in stackoverflow so you can assamble a semi functional project.

I'm having one of those days, and it just feels like shit.

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    Dev life
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    Just think of the billions of people who cant even do that. (Some whom I have worked with)
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    I know guys who have problem copying chunks of code from so. If you still feel shitty, try to make sense of code you copy, read documentation about it.
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    I mean it's not all I do, I was just having a bad time cause I wasn't able to work around some auth problems in one of my apps..

    And yeah reading and understanding other people's code has been very helpful. I've been using Upcase and I really improved myself.
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    If you need a different perspective, sampling in music is exactly the same thing! And a lot of masterpieces were done that way

    (not by looking up on stackoverflow of course, but maybe there's a stachexchange board on that haha)
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