
Todays wtf:

My hometown's official website has a "report a problem"-form where citizens can report their problems. Fair enough, but instead of having some textfield(s) for me to describe the address and/or location they instead provide a dropdown-list with *all* possible addresses (street&number) in town... the html source of that page weighs in at about 4.5MB(!)

  • 11
    Can you check if they have a standard login on their FTP?
    I would declare the extermination of this site as a service to your community.
  • 3
    And they don't event seen to sort the list in the local way, where å is the last letter?
  • 2
    @Gauthier I know. There's so much broken on that site..
  • 1
    @JohanO contact them and offer them a little fix to improve stuff.
  • 1
    Why in the hell would someone do that!? Did they hardcode it? I'm so confused on how and why they'd go with this approach
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    Plats ==> Platz. Genom ==> genommen. Ungefärliga ==> ungefährlich

    Looks like German, but I'm almost sure it isn't Dutch.

    Is this Swedish?
  • 2
    @ezbie yes, it looks like Swedish: it has both å and ä letters.
  • 1
    @tisaconundrum I guess they want to avoid invalid inputs but didn't know (better) how to do it 😁
  • 3
    @ezbie Google maps tells me that it's Sollentuna in Sweden. Nice cluster mess of a website.
  • 1
    @lojigh God, I'd settle for switch cases in the backend. Not this unbelievable mess.
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    @ezbie you know German and Dutch are two different languages right?
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    @Michel of course, but still they're very similar. Some times written Dutch sentences are fully intelligible if you speak German.
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    @ezbie also the other way around :)
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    @antons yeah, I plan learning Dutch after once I have mastered German and learned Spanish.
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    @ezbie Go for Dutch++ direct instead :-)
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    @JohanO lol, the Fuck is this about??
    Thanks, you made me laugh my als out man, like wtf?
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    @Michel Is Dutch really a language? I always though it was German spoken while coughing up a fur ball.

    (And by that, I invoked the anger of Dijkstra's ghost, so none of my algorithms will work.)
  • 1
    @Grumpy not sure if sarcastic :') Dutch is a seperate language yes. But with a population of only 17 million (+dutch speaking belgiums) it's not widely known 😂
  • 1
    @Grumpy Go kiss Snow White, you dwarf! Dutch is a language! It sounds less aggressive than German.
  • 0
    @Michel Actually, it sounds more like the Swedish dialect spoken on the island Gotland, than German. Check out this sample: https://youtube.com/watch/...

    To a person that neither knows Dutch nor Swedish, that youtube clip probably sounds more like Dutch than Swedish.
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