Forgot to push 30hr of code before moving to a new ssd without backup...

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    @lanfiro the situation is a bit more complicated than that. Old data is gone now
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    Just recently had a similar situation. Boot sector got corrupted for no reason after cloning SSD. Mind you the first restarts were fine, with 2 bootable windows SSDs side-by-side. The smaller SSD was redundant and hence deleted. Now the new one didn't start with 3 MONTHS worth of project code changes! I somehow managed to save the system with the internet.
    ... And I also realized I keep backups but have no idea how to use them.🤦

    So, yeah PUSH YOUR CODE REGULARLY!! Just some advice I read in the depths of the internet.
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    Why did you fuck up? Don't fuck up.
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    @electrineer I wish I knew before ...
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    @Flamestro I wish my advice will serve you well from now on
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    @electrineer advice is pretty simple and clear: just DON'T FUCK UP! 😄
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    Here is my own horror story to cheer you up. I once lost 4 month worth of code and I need to rewrite them. I am just starting out on my programming journey and do not know git even exist.

    For a month I only sleep 3 hour a day to rewrite them. On a bright side you have a chance to refactor them.
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