Linkedin stories..

this is not Instagram or Facebook or any of those sites.

Linked in is for Companies and yourself to have a public CV in a fixed format that for everyone is the same and easy to understand! F#CK!!

  • 3
    Please please please tell me this is just a joke.
  • 2
    Linkedin is trash for a few years now, so I guess it doesn't even surprise me...
  • 0
    To post a pict abt you guys doing something normal, meeting someone

    With thumbs on of course.
  • 0
    @Kalashnikov It will no doubt help reinforce our self-pretentiousness for everybody in their tightest slim fit white shirt to oogle their eyes on.

    Now where is that delete account button already
  • 5
    LinkedIn is Facebook where everyone wears a suit.
  • 2
    Stories all the things!!!!
  • 1
    What a fucking shit
  • 3
  • 5
    Or this
  • 1
    Absolutely hate this. Btw, Twitter's getting stories too! They're call it "Fleets" to post fleeting thoughts and they've already started testing in brazil. Tried using a vpn to get this and it works!
  • 1
    @fakeakshar Seriously, I mean regular people are getting tired of doing "short lived sharing to everyone" already because they realised that 95% of their recipients don't give a flying fuck about it so they figured maybe just send it to the relevant persons instead.
  • 0
    Soon: salaries get stories... See how salaries vanish in few seconds!
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