
C++ > C# > Java > PHP

  • 10
    Only a noob deals in absolutes...
  • 7
    Sucks to be me then, I work in the bottom half of your ideals.
  • 0
  • 0
    It's 2006 again ?
  • 1
    @rutee07 this is my "COVID rebellion" outfit, I look like a hobo in protest 😅
  • 2
    @millido I'm tired of these language wars man. They're tools with strengths and weaknesses. Do a cost/benefit analysis and use them for doing what they were designed for as efficiently as possible.

    Sure I might prefer using one over the other and I've thrown around a lot of vitriol about some languages too, but if it's the right tool for the job I'll use it happily.
  • 2
    C++ != C# != Java != PHP
  • 0
    Ahem, real programmers use Brainfuck.
  • 1
    Rust > C# > Java > C++ > any interpreted shit
  • 0
    PHP still works fine for me. Why would I need to write backends in C++?!
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