
The thing i am fucking bad in.
Even basic math shit is hell for me.

  • 5
    Saaame. Unless the question is 2 + 2 there's a high probability I'll break down crying when put on the spot with maths. I like to say that's why I'm a programmer so I can make computers do it for me.
  • 3
    I'd say don't let it bother you too much, good thing today is that *most of stuff* that require complex math have already been figured out and abstracted to such level in programming that you don't need to worry about it.
  • 6
    I read that as "The thing I am fucking in bed"
    Time to take a break.
  • 2
    Somehow, I can do all this probability calculation shit just fine but can't wrap my head around fucking cost curves.
  • 1
    @NoMad haha someone's horny
  • 3
    Have yoy tried self study? I only had ONE good math teacher in my life(am 29) and honestly man I got more out of ot myself later on in life than by listening to other teachers. Try reading about it, practicing concepts and breaching gaps on your own. Its hard, but not nearly as impossible as people would have you believe.
  • 3
    Probably something is wrong with your math teacher.
    Most of the time people hate maths, because of the teacher's inability to simplify things. (Read "Most of the" again)
  • 1
  • 0
    @AleCx04 I tried really everything. Its not the logic or so, more the numbers.

    Yeah, the numbers, they bring me to black out. As long as is theoretical i am actually pretty good.
  • 2
    probably it's because of self-confirmation, every time you encounter a problem related to math you start thinking you're gonna do bad because you've done bad in the past and therefore you do bad, confirming your own belief
  • 0
    @juanchdzl Deep. But its just frustrating i need help for easy shit with math.

    But in my current position that doesnt happen frequently and thats awesome!
  • 1
    I'm shocked that this isn't by @Wisecrack πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    Math is straight from out praised (insert your god)!
    It may not make sense at first but boy does it open your eyes when your grasp something and find its use in reality.
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