
I am this shitty ass frontend dev that knows one language and one framework, I only do light logic and I can't even do a quick sort algorithm.

  • 6
    Lesson #1 - no-one cares if you can implement quicksort outside of a contrived interview setting.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce Good, cause I sure ain't gonna spend our clients resources on quicksorting in JS.
  • 0
    @Jilano Indeed, after becoming real good in a framework (you can probably guess which) and dabbing in a couple of others, I discovered I don't actually know JS because of the obvious abstraction. I know just enough to use a framework, which I guess is a typical thing for frameworks in general. So nowadays after delving into stuff like type coercion, "this bindings" and closure, I probably know more about JS than most of my peers.
  • 5
    Lesson #2 - that recruiter giving you test has no idea if it's right or not.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Indeed, it is related to another lesson "It's not about what you know, its about what they think you know."
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    There is so much knowledge and information on the interwebs you can learn anything you need to be better at what you do, focus on things that are bullet point requirements in jobs you want
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    @AlmondSauce My AlgoDat professor cared. Or at least the tutor that graded my assignments
  • 1
    @Katakompe Academia is basically one hell of a long contrived interview setting.
  • 1
    Frontend devs are getting rare (at least in my region) so that could be a plus!
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