Is it just me or do a lot of job ads seem daunting? Companies seem to expect you to know pretty much every major tech stack, and pay less than 35k and in some cases as low as 28k... Unbelievable 🙄

  • 6
    If you were a company what would you look for, cheap workforce with low skills or cheap workforce with high skills?
  • 0
    @yellow-dog higher for lower skills, developers made to feel worthy are more productive and more likely to take on new learning challenges to develop themselves, and the company they serve.
  • 3
    @raging-coder101 do that, tell me how it goes
  • 3
    Its a total joke. I can't find it right now, but I remember a rant post either here or twitter someone found a job post requesting 5+ years of react native experience, when it only came out in 2015. For example, I just found a job posting that wants 4+ years of kotlin experience....


    when kotlin's FIRST release came out in 2016.... so its April 2020.... hmmmm pretty hard to have 4+ years!!

    Not to mention a solid version that everyone was using - that probably wasn't really true until 2018 or so.

    So its a big joke.
  • 0
    @yellow-dog you'd rather have developers being paid next to nothing and doing a half-arsed job for you? Rather than one being paid more but willing and motivated to take on any challenge you throw at them and do it to a high standard? If you set an extremely high standards for a very poor return the companies are failing themselves... Poor wages by their very design, result in poor productivity and the "fuck it I'm not paid enough for this shit" mentality, which, directly impacts companies and will kill companies anyway... Im literally watching his happen to a company I am working for right now.
  • 2
    @raging-coder101 no, i would rather have capable developers work for the least amount of money that makes them willing to work, what you are saying is just straight up overpaying your employees. Companies put up job offers with every technology you might need, so if you know like half of them, thats good enough, but nobody wants someone who calls themselves a senior and can only do core python or whatever
  • 2
    It’s crisis time so lots of shitty companies are looking for slaves with high skills right now.
  • 1
    Oh and it gets worst if you look for a remote position outside US
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