I can code, git, ssh, reddit, mailbox, Spotify all at the same window.
With coc-explorer you can switch between your buffer just like VSCode

  • 1
    What do you use reddit and Spotify?
  • 1
    TTRV for reddit
    Spotify-TUI for Spotify.
  • 0
    @Jilano I don’t have much experience with nerd tree because I usually use ‘netrw’ to navigate thru folders before I met coc-explorer, but compare to that, a little bit slower when inside medium large project
    (eg. .Net Core API backend).
  • 0
    normally use it with angular projects.
    But yeah, dotnet core works on me.

    Although I still open VS when modify solution settings and nuget, it just easier.

    Most of the time omnisharp with roslyn-based server is enough.

    My company’s solutions normally contains ~10 projects in it, so I don’t have the answer for you.
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