
*on DevRant*

"I'm bored, let's do something else"

*closes DevRant*

*looks at screen*

*opens DevRant*

wtf am I retarded?

  • 17
    This is a sign,
    A sign of you becoming...
  • 5
  • 1
    It happens.
  • 4
    Is DevRant addicting? Well, no.
    Also me: refresh DevRant every hour.
  • 0
    @Minhphu0304 ))) funny) so do I
  • 0
    I can do the same with my RSS reader...
  • 1
    Am certifiably retarded.


    Apparently you are too.
  • 3
    For me it's:
    *on reddit*
    "I'm bored"
    *closes reddit*
    *opens devrant*
    "I'm bored"
    *closes devrant*
    *opens reddit*
    "I saw all these posts already"
    *closes reddit*
    *opens devrant*
  • 4
    Another retarded here, joining in.
  • 2
    @LavaTheif Exact same thing for me as well
    And this goldfish syndrome is pretty annoying when you realize it
  • 1
    @iamai Huzzah! Another joins the The Great Society (tm).

    Congratulations, we're officially our own army now!

    I have this official document, officiated..officially, all written up official-like in crayon.

    I made it myself. Mom pinned it to the refrigerator even and put three gold stars on it!

    So I guess that makes me a three star general in the retard army.

    Gang gang.
  • 2
    Let me just grab my paper boat hat and I'm ready to parade!
  • 2
    @iamai god damn if that isn't the most perfect comment I've seen in a month.

    Good, we'll knight-you captain-of-the-navy and sergeant-of-paperproducts for being so forward thinking, a very important position indeed! Considering our sole warship is made entirely of paper. It's biodegradeable. I wonder if we can apply for a UN grant?
  • 2
    @Wisecrack I accept the position my liege. to the ends of the world, or the universe rather.
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