Has anyone gotten a "Stress ball" from here? 750++?!?

  • 9
    It used to be much lower.
    And yes.

    I earned mine but never claimed it because devRant operates at a loss.
  • 3
    @Root I don't think anyone nowadays gets 750++ or even 300++ now
  • 2
    I did order dR stickers once, before they took out that feature.
    They never arrived :^)
  • 1
    @Ranchu Mine took a month from the otherside of the US
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD in that case it's gonna be another half year if I'm in Germany.
  • 1
    I believe @linuxxx has one
  • 2
    I have earned stickers.
    But: as I want to support them, I bought them anyways. Also my hoodie. Which i do wear pretty much every day at work!
  • 2
    @C0D4 Yup, got one but I think it was 500 points back then...
  • 2
    @M1sf3t I think I will buy it, I kinda like the concept of it
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