If you could get rid of one tech company who would it be..

Mine would be apple - fuck apple

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    Facebook or Microsoft
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    Microsoft for sure
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    @DutchmanDavid I liked Steve jobs and woz .... But that doesn't scale to massive company.

    I feel like everyone in the world buys apple not because they are good but because if you don't your not cool.

    I think the bigger they got the more mistakes they made the more corners they cut.

    It's not about great interesting tech anymore ... It's about ... Ooo you got the gold apple iPhone nice.

    Making an iPod ... For the first time is sonething amazing. What have they done since the iPad .... Thats different that's innovative ? Nothing. It's the same stuff

    You can say the apple watch ... Meh... Wasn't great and the premium gold one ? Expensive but other then looks is no better what's that about.
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    @FitzSuperUser because they are constantly try to Fuck over Linux
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    @FitzSuperUser because their only effort is to vanish the competition (wuck fou users), and because they steal from the foss community.
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    @DutchmanDavid iMacs are very expensive in Europe.
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    Simple M$
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    @DutchmanDavid my mates all have apple devices in the UK I see loads of imacs. Tonnes of the phones
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    In my company we have at least 50% MacBooks if not more
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    @tekhouse at least Microsoft try to innovate. Bringing new products to the table, besides windows (which they sometimes get right). Apple is the problem. Stealing stupid people's money.
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    @sgoel01 in that sense every major company steals people's money because the sell technology that they overpassed but still keep it because it sells. I don't mean that Apple is perfect but MS is doing more damage to the software.
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    Oracle, no contest. They never innovated anything worthwhile and seem to try to raise their own position by stamping down everyone else. And why did they get their grasping little paws on Java? Was it specifically so they could have a shot at trying to screw Google over by any chance?
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    Google because they have become to big and powerful to be trusted.

    I am terrified what they are cooking up in that robotics lab.
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    Lol, could you not tell that when you posted this it would just be full of 'Microsoft'?

    FYI, Microsoft have done a shit tonne for computing, Linux has a lot to thank them for.
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    Any company that acts as a patent troll
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    You guys serious? I can think of MUCH worse tech companies than apple. Someone mentioned Oracle - i second that.
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    A MacBook Pro and an iPhone are the best things in the universe
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    Get rid of Google. It's too much of a monopoly
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    If I mentioned my choice I would be identified as my company has to be like the last company hanging on to that piece of crap. Other name company ran for the hills a few months ago. Competition products are much better and much cheaper.
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    @mzgaljic .... Worse then apple 😂😂😂😂 ok
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    I don't like iOS ...
    Android is amazing . As a rom dev I can say that i prefer android more . For example my device is not a popular or newest phone . It's a s3 neo ( which did not got any love from Samsung ) . And we did ported android 5.1.1 for it . Then we have now project lucky for it which has apps and framework ported from s7 . You can't tell the difference between the s7 one and mine ! So you can expend yours android like you want ! , no offense to any iOS dev but you can't expend iOS . Also I cant live without widgets :P
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    @chrishind10 agreed, only thing I hate is that if Microsoft goes out 90% of hardware is also
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    @tekhouse microsoft. I'd delete windows. Imagine linux nr. 1
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    Everybody here is like Apple, Microsoft and stuff, while I'm just sitting in a corner like... Electronic Arts.
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    @OnyxDarkKnight actually ... Totally fair point
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    @spences10 wouldn't you be beating a dead horse at this point?
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    @OnyxDarkKnight I was meant to finish the comment with, 'oh wait!'
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    @spences10 my space is still alive though
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    @SweetHuman for 50 year olds, it might as well be ourtime lol
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    @jckimble lel, i am 15. i don't even use facebook or take selfies. am i an odd ball?
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    @SweetHuman nope it means you are smart, the only reason I have facebook and LinkedIn is for business. if I could without hurting my brand I would get off of social media all together
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    @jckimble i'd do the same.
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    @FitzSuperUser Well everyone has their own opinion.

    If some people like their overpriced products, that's fine with me. At least Apple is trying to bring new products to market and trying to do positive things. They're not as innovative as they were in the 2000's, but i'm not sure i see what's so "bad" about Apple today? Unless expensive products grind your gears?

    Not trying to start an argument at all, just genuinely curious... :-)

    Btw this is where my bad feelings toward Oracle come from:
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    @mzgaljic it does massively piss me off tech that costs couple hundred quid they think they can put gold round it then mark it up 1000% and say see it's so smooth and fast , when it's not, they just lie about their quality.

    An example I saw was someone spent 10000 on a 3d modelling machine brought PC and the top Mac.... Both 10000, the PC ? 5 times faster ! This was to show what was better btw.
    In things like Photoshop as well. It was 5 times faster. So designers are better on PC, just a matter of software.

    Now the issue then becomes a director of a company who isn't tech based buys 500k worth of apple computers but basically just brought 100k if it was PC.

    The issue is ... People when it comes to apple have been programmed to think they are paying top dollar for the best everything.

    But it's not that , not anymore, so they are lying to their customers. People are paying premium for sonething thats not.
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    @Sauruz OSX UI is shit. And the Windows install time isn't half a day now anyway.

    I have a MacBook Pro for the hardware, but run Windows 7 on it.
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    @Sauruz I don't have issues with windows except for the bullshit update they did recently but I've heard people complain about os x updates to.

    Before that my computer has run for 2 years no issues. On windows.

    I don't like Mac's because of apple not because they are purely bad machines they aren't if they were cheaper I'd consider it but I'm not paying 2k on a Mac that's 5 times slower the a PC at the same price that's crazy to me.

    Now if you are buying a 300 quid laptop for design I totally get recommended a Mac over it and saying they should be spending more money
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    I think in terms of customization both Windows and Mac just plain suck and can't compete with open systems like Linux or BSD.

    There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to customize my user experience the way I like it. And all the bullshit updates are also a problem. Why can't I hot reload most system components like on Linux?

    Also why isn't there a proper headless system available? Windows server core is a fucking joke.
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    @brukernavn32 Well look at Nano Server then. I've customised my Windows to how I want it... But this is just another case or Linux users thinking Microsoft is evil, bore off. This isn't the nineties anymore.
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    Apple: overpriced hardware.
    Microsoft: overpriced software.
    Linux: priceless DIY
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    @Sauruz I just would never want a Mac , to be honest 😂😂 prefer power over price and slightly more uptime
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    Lots of interesting comments on this post. One thing is for certain: it seems like every dev has a stubborn opinion about their OS of choice, me included.

    Rants like these are just begging for a flame war 😂
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    @mzgaljic it's a lot of fun... Was my intention in starting it 😈😳
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    Facebook for sure.
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    Well since all my top choices are already mentioned, I'll throw something new into the mix.

    Zend Technologies, cos with them either the Zend engine will go open source or it will disappear and php will either get a language standard (in the event of an open canonical reference implementation) or it will just go away.

    Personally I'd prefer the latter, but if a language standard comes along my actual issues with the language boil down to the subjective "I just don't like it" and with any luck competing implementations might fix things...
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    For me it would be Facebook
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    @flag0 nah man, microsoft would be a better deal. What benefits could you get from facebook dying? A new social media platform will show up inevitably.
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    @DutchmanDavid damn in Germany (Bavaria) 50%+ of the students on my university got a MacBook and/or an iPhone
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    I can see thisvis going to be a long discussion, so I just want to leave my name in here, so that I could tell my grandchildren: I was there.
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