
Recently I've been working on a side project and I've been working on it a lot over the last week, with lots of late nights.

My girlfriend said to me the other day, "do you not wanna give it a rest for a bit, you'll be starting your new job soon, you'll get fed up of it".

I then explained to her that, programming is on of those few careers where you'll continue to do programme and do side projects, even after a full day of it, and I couldn't imagine it any other way.

I can't wait to start work.. but then I also don't wanna lose out on project time 🙁

  • 2
    You'll find some way to manage time, don't worry!
  • 19
    What she actually means is "spend some time with me!"

    And by the way, you should. Getting your head out of programming from time to time will help you have better ideas and so on.

    Source: married.
  • 5
    What @tommyangelo said. Your job and your side project are relationships. So is your girlfriend. Don't take her for granted. Also, working and endless side projects? You WILL burn out - not a case of if, but when.
  • 0
    I could not imagine it any other way either.
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