Oh how I yearn for Yarn in C++.

Like, seriously. Why, to use a library, do I need to spend 30 minutes building and moving and linking and editing and screaming and beginning all over again? AND WHY IS THERE NO (popular) PACKAGE MANAGER! How are other people supposed to set up an environment to run your code quickly, in confidence they're using the write versions?

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    Actually, I think you can use YARN with C++. Have you asked your friend Mr. Google?
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    @xinuxunil I couldn't find anything about that, but in my path of discovery I did discover conan.io which looks worth a shot. Still doesn't resolve WHY LIBRARIES ARE SO DAMN ANNOYING TO USE
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    You're on Windows I assume...
  • 1
    @lig1 ☹️ yup
  • 2
    @nickdbush learn to use Linux. Start with Fedora getfedora.org. And you'll get dnf as package manager and *-devel for any library...
    And Eclipse IDE has great support for C++
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