What free tools do you use for creating uml diagrams #askingforafriend

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    Oh well. Creatly and lucidchart
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    Draw.io but now I have Ms Visio 🤤
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    StarUML but not sure if it's free
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    @M1sf3t spot the Mac user 😅
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    @shoop Searching doesn't always give you all the answers and maybe we can give some good options.
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    And; draw.io
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    StarUML. Haven't found a good free alternative to it yet. It isn't free but you can it use in evaluation mode.
    The tool itself is great. Flexible and easy to use as long as the diagrams are not too complex. I find that when you have large diagrams the pan/zoom/edit interactions become annoying/impossible. That is rare and it's very simple and quick to use otherwise.

    PlantUML is a good option too. I love that it lets you create diagrams with markdown like syntax.
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    Who even bothers to create UML diagrams?
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    @Root me, well not UML but process diagrams, So I can throw a features process back at the business and make sure they are in agreement with the "pretty diagram" before I code it up.

    It saves a lot of changes later.
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