Built my pc after months of saving and hard work :)

  • 5
    @shoop I have one ssd and a hdd, ssd goes to the back side, where the mobo is mounted, and Hdd goes in a separate tray, along side PSU at the bottom, there are 2 trays to hold them.
  • 0
    @molaram that's last of us wallpaper :)
  • 2
    Specs or didn't happen
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    I like the fans in the front, they look like something out of Portal.
  • 6
    Ryzen 5 3600
    Rtx 2060 Super
    16GB ram 3200 mhz
    2 TB HDD
    500 GB ssd
    Msi Tomahawk max b450
  • 0
    @richangsharma nice specs, surely amd cpu and nvidia gpu is a good combo. Indeed your case seems that it could hold a server mobo
  • 1
    @JhonDoe yeah I will add more stuff, liquid cooler first :) I left space for improvement.
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    @richangsharma yo I got a question. Is that a gsync monitor? Or a freesync/gsync compatible?
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    @JhonDoe it's a free sync monitor, I do not have an Amd graphics card though, I picked up the monitor as it was a great deal, 144hz with ips panel.
  • 0
    @richangsharma oh! I was looking for a human like you. have you enabled gsync on it? how does it perform? can you give me your monitor reference if it does work good.

    I'm planning to get a free sync monitor, because of course gsync ones are stupidly expensive. Since the announce of nvidia working with freesync I want one, but some monitor could have problems. So I would like a first hand opinion if you have enabled gsync on it
  • 1
    Nice clean looking build, I have the same MB (and mouse lol). Enjoy!
  • 0
    Nice Setup Mate
  • 1
    @JhonDoe First of all thanks, I didn't knew nvidia support freesync 😅 I turned it on, and man it does make amazing difference. I can tell you that cause I have been playing without it for last 2 weeks, so I can see the advantage G Sync have.
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    Love this
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    You got last of us 2 before release?
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    @richangsharma oh man. We have almost the same build.
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    @pythonInRelay unfortunately, that's not true. Linustechtips did test that by stuffing the whole case with clothes and teddy bears and shit. Even in that condition the PC did run fine with no insane temperature
  • 0
    Congratulations duder
  • 0
    I wanna build one but this lockdown man.
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