
What kind of apartment could a typical programmer afford in New York?

I am from Europe and don't consider moving to the US. I am just curious

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    No idea, but it does certainly depend on where in New York.
    I mean I don't even wanna know the price per square metre.
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    Depends on where you live and how long you're willing to commute.

    If you're in the city, you can get a 1 bedroom in a decent part of town for $2500+. You can find better deals with a roommate. You can get a crappier one for $1300ish.

    Jersey City, you can get more for your money. Same for Hempstead and surrounding burgh. But your commute will be worse.

    Give Trulia a look. You'll also want to account for the state income tax, which is 8.82%
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    @SortOfTested ahaha 8% wow. That is like nothing. I live in Austria and I bet way over 50% of my money goes to the state.
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    @lolcube though I have to say I REALLY do not want to live in the US. The social system here is pretty great. I get payed 14 times a year. I get days off. I can be sure not to be poor for the rest of my life if I need medical attention ... I could go on for hours but that would be another rant
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    Bear in mind that's:
    8.82% to the state
    34% to the federal govt
    8.875% blended sales tax

    Total: 52% tax affecting cost of living. And you get very little for that. Medical insurance, retirement, etc are extra.

    More taxes if you own property as well.
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    @SortOfTested to be fair, you'd have to make a hell of a lot of money to get taxed at 34% federal.
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    Most devs where I live make a hell of a lot >. <
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    @SortOfTested oh man why the fuck would anyone want to live in the US? I constantly learn worse and worse things about the US from all kinds of sources. The Prison system is archaic, barbaric and not worthy of any kind of legitimate system, same goes for the justice system. Poor people in the US sometimes live worse than poor people in third world countries. The government works constantly against their own people, they start wars, destroy peoples lives for nothing but a senseless war on drugs that they profit on and that's not even 0.000000000001% percent of the tip of the iceberg of what's fucked up in the US... Its amazing
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    For the most part the US economy is the sin eater for the rest of the world. We print a ton of money, consume a bunch of goods, justify tons of jobs. Whenever there's a government fuck up or failed investment from a market maker, the US citizens eat the failure in cost of living. In some true irony, the amount of Chinese wealth that is bound up in US debt is what ensures world peace.

    So, yeah, can't really disagree with you.
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    @SortOfTested I mean. Come on. I just recently became 19 and I don't even live close to the US but I could easily list hundreds of fucked up things in the US and describe them in detail without even looking something up. That is crazy. Granted, I am somewhat more invested in US, and International politics than in my own Governments, but still...
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    Well, some older person perspective from a persistent expat:

    Nowhere is perfect, and most countries have their fair share of skeletons. The average person has little say or impact on the decisions of those in power anywhere. Very few governments are truly representative of their people.

    Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear.
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    @M1sf3t sure I know.
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    @molaram well, you'd have to eat from the floor, of course. If you have some spare money for food, that is. /s
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    @lolcube it’s really not. Every country has its problems, but until you actually live here you have no idea what a really damn great place it is. I won’t comment on health care because I do think that needs an overhaul. But, just a wild guess, you’re getting a fair bit of your info from Reddit. And that site is... off, to say the least. Apologies if I’m wrong about that. Either way, like I said you can’t really judge it until you’ve lived here. And just a side note, you’re talking about one of the most expensive places in the country. Just keep that in mind when thinking about costs :)
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    @SortOfTested @molaram @MySlugLikesSalt well... No not from reddit. From many text books about Americas history, politics, economy etc. Also from many different Media from the far right, right, middle, left, alt left, alt right etc. I try to read and understand as many different viewpoints in order to be able to have a balanced view on things. I consume news from within the US (democrat leaning, independent and republican sources) as well as news from other countries about the US. I especially focus on religion and moral views of different groups inside the US. I listen to many different podcasts from people within the US. I watch many American YouTubers (and yes I am aware of YouTube bubbles) who do not only focus on stuff like politics but also do cooking videos or tell their viewers about local history and so on. I try my very best to have a somewhat balanced view on the US. That said it is one of the very last countries I would want to live in.
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    @lolcube I mean neither one of us is gonna change the others mind here. All I’ll say is that nobody — media, YouTube, or otherwise — is gonna report daily how everything was fine today and actually everything went pretty great; nobody cares. If I didn’t already live here the US would be top of my list for the simple fact that (within reason) I can say or do whatever the heck I please without even the slightest thought of any interference from the government. Not even all other countries that I *like*, like the UK, can claim that.
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    @MySlugLikesSalt and also... I'd trust a random stranger with a bloody knife in their hands, running towards me while screaming 'I'll kill you!' more than the US Government.
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    @lolcube Ok see, no offense, but it’s this stuff that makes me 100% sure you’re not getting an accurate view of the US. Because — I really truly do not mean any offense — but that’s completely ridiculous. Do I trust the government? No. But that goes for every government on earth.
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    @MySlugLikesSalt well, the UK is also VERY low on the list. Their police confiscated f*ing cutlery from people. The UKs Justice System is a Joke. A bad one.
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    @lolcube To your point about the government, I’d say Americans actually are more distrustful of the government than most. Heck, that’s why we like our guns so much. Because half the country is squinting at the government going “just try it”.
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    @lolcube Well we can agree on that lol.
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    @MySlugLikesSalt well yeah but your government tries constantly to undermine democracies around the world. Started multiple wars in the middle east (whole Europe has to deal with the consequences of those wars up until this very day) for profits and oil, experiments on their own people etc. Just look at what happened to assange because of the US. I mean WTF???
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    @lolcube OK so I think maybe we’re missing each other here. I’m not saying the US government is great. Most Americans aren’t huge fans of the federal gov. But living here really isn’t affected by the things you’re talking about.

    I’d also agree with what M1sf3t said. The media really do not represent the country as a whole, because they don’t understand the country as a whole. They understand their parts of it, and yeah. Their parts of it are pretty screwed up.
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    @lolcube granted my country is where Hitler was from. But that is way more far back in time than the evil deeds of the US government.
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    @MySlugLikesSalt I know. I get your Point (at least I think I do) Most citizens are not affected by those things.
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    @lolcube Ok but the equation I feel like you’re making here, would be like me saying Austria is a terrible place to live because of Hitler. Sure, he was terrible. But that’s got nothing to do with me living there.
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    @M1sf3t I know. I specifically try to get News from different states as well.
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    @lolcube Well, best of luck if you move here! I honestly think you’ll find that living here isn’t bad at all, but either way, good luck!
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    @MySlugLikesSalt yeah. The difference is that my government is not the same as under Hitler, that said I am sure the US government changed a lot since that time as well. And granted. The biggest reason for me not wanting to live in the US is it's justice and prison system. Even though the chances of me getting caught up in it would be very low, I'd rather not play lottery with my life like that.
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    @M1sf3t I am sorry but I have to disagree on that one. The Us overthrow Mohammad Mossadegh in the 50s because he wanted to keep the countries oil for its starving people. If that isn't called starting a war then me aiming a gun at someone and shooting in their direction isn't called murder when that person dies because of the bullet.
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