Co-worker presented her work by sharing her screen. She forgot to unshare.

She proceeded to open Chrome and search: "Can I sue co-worker if I get coronavirus because he coughed?"

Another employee said: "Your screen is showing" :/

  • 47
    This has to be the most American thing I've read all year...
  • 6
    Wtf hahaha πŸ˜‚
  • 4
    If that is not a total power move, I don't know what is
  • 26
    Plot twist: she knew damn well her screen was still sharing.
  • 2
  • 3
    Had the same situation a few days ago, but with gay porn.... Thanks, I did not want to see that.πŸ˜‘
  • 3
    It was a video conference where she "heard" a cough. Assuming a case pushes through and wins she gets paid "hearing" the clinking of coins.
  • 2
    In fact, yes you can - at least in Austria (and I assume there is similar laws in other countries). We have paragraph 178 & 179 StGB (criminal / penal code). The headline of those laws is: Intentional endangering People from Communicable Diseases and Negligent Endangering People from Communicable Diseases. First one gives you 3 years in jail, second one one or up to 720 daily rates (measured on your income) which means about two years income.

    Willingly infecting someone with STDs like HIV, Hepatitis C and similar or risking an infection by not telling them you’re HIV / HEP C positive and having sex without a condom would also fall into this paragraph.
  • 2
    @dsteiner It would be difficult to prove it was intentional though. Also difficult to prove whether the victim got sick directly from this incident and not some other exposure.
  • 1
    @jeanblue well there are cases where it is easy. If you don’t stay at home when you’re sick it’s the first case as you are risking to infect someone else
  • 1
    lol, typical female search: "can i get free money because of this bullshit reason?"
  • 1
    @Ubbe sounds more like a North Korean situation.
  • 0
    Sorry, my anxiety monster Paul would never let this happen to meπŸ‘Ί
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