
If you could randomly decide that a specific software platform (like an entire OS) will not exist tomorrow, what would it be? And why iOS?

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    Tanenbaum's microkernel.
    It runs the "CPU OS"'s like Intel's Management Engine, a useless, unavoidable hardware backdoor present in every Intel chip. It should not exist.

    I would also like to know who comes up with the idea for these backdoors again next time so I can hunt them down and kill them.
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    @Jilano you decide, you can make people remember it existed so you can brag about making it disappear :D
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    @Root Damn, I totally didn't even know it existed!
    Yeah, I guess you have your reasons to hate it
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    I'd choose systemd not existing tomorrow, and its creator along with it.
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    @molaram thank you very much. That's pretty much why I hate apple as well.
    Even tho I don't even have to pay for the hardware myself, as I work in a company that provides me that.
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    Linux, so obnoxious imbeciles would get hurt.
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    @aviophile couldn’t agree more
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    Everything. We fucked up. Let's go back and *if really needed* just use analog calculator.
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    Honestly, Android.
    It's designed to torture developers.
    I've been doing mobile dev and desktop dev with most of the tech and OS out there.
    I never had to deal with so much bullshit like with Android.
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    I want to see old people use arch linux
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