can you recommend any ubuntu software which would allow me setup notes on the screen?

microsoft sticky notes for windows has been very useful for me in windows env, but couldn't find an alternative for ubuntu.
A browser plugin, which could turn my opera homepage to a set of sticky notes/ clock/music widgets would also be equally awesome

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    Brings me back to the Windows Vista days
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    There are lots of possibilities here.

    Simplenote has cloud, but for non critical stuff that shouldn't matter.

    Joplin was recommended to me des times, but never had time for that (or nextcloud -/ owncloud)
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    If you want those triggerable, maybe configure some dunst?
    Eq. Keybinding - > notification displays your agenda for the day from a text file for x seconds.
    I used to do it like this and it actually worked fine, also this way you won't bloat your desktop with possibly private notes
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    @dontPanic from there you can use any note system that uses plain text
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    Well, a lot of good options here, but knotes worked best for me(although it does have some stuttering animations) Thanks, @wisefoolkp
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