Why does Windows have to be so fucking useless when running docker. Everytime i need to make a change to the NGINX container, I have to restart the docker daemon, rather than rebuild and restart the container.

I would be doing this on Ubuntu, if I could install it that is.

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    @Jilano thanks, ill give that a shot, fingers crossed
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    @Jilano Will do, might take me a few hours though, internet has been rubbish lately
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    "WSL 2 is only available in Windows 10 builds 18917 or higher"

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    Tried to use docker on windows once, saw I needed to have windows 10 pro to unlock the required virtualization features, went back to ubuntu to do the real work
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    @gryphbecrazeh yeah, I’ve got win 10 pro, but it just runs better on Linux
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    @dontknowshit I could, but then I would have to deal with shared folders, port forwarding, etc...
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    @Jilano I've been able to try out WSL and WSL2 as I couldn't really use a preview build. The performance is no better if I'm honest, if anything I think Windows with virtualisation is poor in my opinion as I've been having issues with any VM I run in general
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    @dontknowshit it's more file read performance with WSL2 I've got an issue with as I did a NodeJS build in a container and it took ~5mins to complete vs ~40sec in WSL/Legacy Hyper-V
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