
From the deepest of my heart: fuck you ubuntu.
bunch of stupid idiots

  • 14
    Download vlc be happy
  • 3
    You did not check the checkbox at installation time, did you?
    Or, you could just install the decoder or an alternative media player now...
  • 1
    @chipset 1st thing I did, unfortunately setting it as default player isn't straightforward and I didn't have the time to investigate how to do that yet, so I'm now stuck to right click-open with other every time. Ubuntu user experience sucks shit as always
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    @Manjia It's pretty easy. Settings>Default Apple> set vlc for music and video
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    @sbiewald A fucking >=1992 os must be able to play videos, with no IFs and no BUTs
  • 1
    @chipset Thank you bro, I'll do it immediately
  • 5
    Layer 8 error
  • 0
    Download mpv and ffmpeg.
  • 15
    It's a licensing issue. They are not allowed to bundle those codecs with their system under some countries' law. Just do what it says: download the codecs from the store. You're 2 clicks away. There's also a choice in the installer to install proprietary mp3 and mp4 codecs.
  • 2
    @shoop better than the alternatives, although they are slowly starting to catch up
  • 5
    Linux isn't made for watching porn. You're supposed to jerk off to some obscure terminal command that suddenly works after you gave it 372 command line options in the right order.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop weird flex but ok
  • 2
    @aggelalex @Jilano Let's go through the process process:
    - user has a video
    - video plays no problem on their phone, on someone else's computer, on TV, on car infotainment, on a fridge display, on a smart watch...
    - they try to play the video on Ubuntu and it throws an error
    Yeah you're a smart dev, hurr durr go install a codec... If there's no need to install a special codec on any other device a person owns, then it's a fucking regression, no matter how easy the solution is. Perhaps you got used to it, perhaps Linux offers something that outweighs it for you, or perhaps you should accept that these things make OSS much more complicated to use for an average user than paid alternatives and find a way to change that.
  • 4
    @hitko setback or not, Ubuntu's Devs do not have a choice. It's legal stuff. It's not Ubuntu's for complying with legalities, but the codec's owner for keeping it proprietary and threatening legal setbacks if people do not comply with silly rules. An idiot's software who uses it to legally threaten people is no measure of excellence of a product that simply uses it as expected. Ubuntu's devs have made it as easy as possible to install the codecs: either check the checkbox in the installation process to automatically install the codecs while installing Ubuntu, or install the codecs later from the software center. Even in Windows, a similar situation exists for drivers: Windows cannot install all the required drivers in the installation process, sometimes you gotta pop that CD in or download that exe and install it for you new device to work correctly, be it a small external disk reader, your grandma's printer or the greatest graphics card out there.
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    @hitko Use fucking VLC like any normal person would and stop complaining. My god.
  • 3
    @aggelalex The key difference is how it compares to other systems. I need to install drivers on every system. I don't need to install mp4 codec on any system except for non-commercial Linux distros.
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    @hitko It's just one example of the "death of a thousand cuts" syndrome that desktop Linux is suffering from, and it does so because too many devs come up with too many "ah just do this".

    Even worse when they can't decide on what's right and are lazy enough to introduce some stupid CLI option as to shift the decision to the user who knows even less than they do, not least because they also couldn't be bothered to write proper documentation. Hacking in some shit is fun, testing is already less fun, and documenting is no fun at all.

    @aggelalex Yeah sure, and the non-free codec repo hosted on the same host where the actual distro is hosted is totally no legal problem.
  • 0
    @hitko yeah no it's literally "don't make a poor choice of desktop manager and use VLC." You should be able to tell when a DM is too much. List:

    KDE: Minimum quad-core at like 800MHz
    Cinnamon: Minimum dual-core at like 800MHz
    Xfce: Minimum Pentium 3
    fluxbox: Minimum 386
    Gnome: Hope you have a Threadripper...

    also why would you need wine use amdgpu or nvidia trash. if you need nvidia drivers it's also your fault for poor GPU choice.
  • 3
    @Parzi AMD is lightyears behind in GPUs. Look, AMD is trying to catch up on gaming performance while this is already yesteryear's battlefield for NVidia. Neural networks, physics and all this shit, everything runs on NVidia because AMD hasn't even noticed that people use GPUs for shit other than gaming and video.
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    @Parzi That's also why AMD is opensourcing their drivers on Linux - it doesn't lose them any competetive advantage because they don't have any, so they can at least take those some percent of Linux desktops as customers.
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    @Parzi Why would I ever bother with these things if I can use OSX or Windows and forget about it? Why would I need to know different window managers and always seek a compromise between UI/UX and hardware, if I don't have to? And why is every open source lover so incapable of understanding that 99% people are perfectly happy to have a car for the land and a boat for the water, and won't drive a noisy hovercraft just because it can do both.
  • 1
    @hitko What the fuck are you on about? Install Manjaro. Shit works out of the box, completely. Install VLC. Be happy.
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    @Fast-Nop please explain this one? They have an API they made while AMD stuff uses normal ones, so it's gonna be faster but nonstandard and they can just not tell us about shit or w/e like they did one time with some shit idr specifically. Also yeah, more people use nvidia for crypto mining and AI... because that's what they're told to use by others. Just because something's popular doesn't make it good.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER Right, yes, everything works. Except the third monitor for this guy: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/... , wifi for this guy: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/... , SSD for this one: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/...

    And that's only from the last 3 hours. What kind of SLA do you provide if I have a problem with something on Manjaro? A middle finger?
  • 1
    @hitko You can find the exact same thing for Windows if you specifically search for it, like you just did.
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    @Parzi All the CUDA stuff is exclusively Nvidia because AMD is still in 2010 or something. Basically, if you want to do anything serious GPGPU, it's Nvidia because they have heavily invested into the frameworks while AMD hasn't even understood the need to do that. AMD still thinks in terms of graphics.
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    @hitko I had Linux exclusively as only OS from 2001 to 2010 where shit also was claimed to "just work", and I have learnt one thing the hard way: the definition of "it just works" is actually "it mostly works after a finite amount of fucking around with the system for fixing stupid shit".

    Another point is, when something doesn't work under Linux, it's always the user's fault while a comparable problem under Windows is Microsoft's fault even when the root cause it that the cat pissed into the laptop.
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    @PrivateGER So you agree we're still at square 0 and things break just as much on Linux than they do on Windows or OSX, the difference being on those systems I don't need to spend 5 minutes installing something before I can play a simple .mp4 video. And pretty sure whoever I'm trying to show the video to has already lost interest, so I just spent 5 minutes to play a video and now I'm not even going to play it. Yeah, that's totally what I expect from an operating system, a bunch of work for no result.
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    @hitko Let's just stop this here, this isn't going anywhere anyway.
  • 1
    @hitko Wait until you get around to the security topic: Linux is super secure because Unix was designed for security!

    Uhm no, it wasn't, because nobody in the late 60s thought about computer security, as also seen in the design of C and tons of early network protocols like FTP. Security was bolted on much later, just like under Windows.

    But now it's secure! Yeah, because (1) criminals make malware for profit and Linux desktops are too few to target, and (2) Linux is too difficult for gullible users. See Android how that pans out once you have average, computer illiterate people as main users.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop shush. People are trying to sleep. Check UTC time.
  • 0
    @ostream @ostream Hey cringe boy, commenting on any of my posts will only increase my visibility, you know that smart guy?
  • 0
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