So the universe is determined to fuck with me for no other reason than the fact that I exist.

I managed to get 2 dates with 2 different girls (obviously) for next weekend.

And now, Australia is going into lockdown: No restaurants and shit.

So far, I am still laughing about the whole situation but now I am faced with either calling it off (which sucks because this lockdown can go for 6 months) or find another way to meet up.

I'm tagging this as a question to see if you guys have any ideas.

As for this fucked up universe... if the parallel MrCSharp is somehow watching me from the parallel universe that has a good 2020 going on at the moment, can you please like take me to your 2020.. that'd be fab.

Oh.. and my office is now fucking closed and forced to work from home. No more gym too..

god fucking damn it...

  • 4
    about the girls: at least try video chatting with them
  • 8
    Dinner at home?
  • 2
    God damn it, I'm so jealous right now.
    I got to still go to work tomorrow 😂

    As for the women issue, beats me anymore - down side to 10+ years with the same one.
  • 2
    @stop would've worked if I lived alone.

    Is it generally a good idea for a first date to be at someone's home? I tend to prefer a neutral public place
  • 2
    @kescherRant Crossed my mind. I'll have this as a last resort.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK that sucks hairy balls man.

    Like did the company go under because of the closure so they had to lay everyone off?
  • 2
    1) Don’t date multiple girls
    2) Skype
    3) CyberSex
  • 2
    1. Reschedule
    2. Bring them back to your place
    3. Go to their place
    4. I guess fucking ghost em lmao
  • 1
    @Nanos yeah mate. It's crazy out there. That's why I prefer public places with eye witnesses hahhahah
  • 1
    @Nanos with 16k?
  • 2
    @Nanos those lists feel a little specific, like the kind of specifics you would only think of from first hand experience 👀

    That last one works both ways on alleges, you never know when you need a quick exit.
  • 2
    eyyy yo how do you get girls when you are a software engineer? damn bro! you show your salary? where do you get time? damn bro I'm jealous AF!.
  • 1
    @Nanos while the world is/was/will always be a crazy fucked up place, I like to follow something i read somewhere called the 2% rule: If the possibility of risk is 2% or less, don't worry about it :)

    I am not saying your fears/worries are not legitimate and it is good you take precautions. It is also good to have some faith and trust in people but to reasonable limits of course.
  • 2
    @r-fu honestly mate I didn't intend this post to be some sort of a flex. It is usually very dry over here but when it rains it fucking pours. That's why I'm really pissed at this whole lockdown shit because of the flu.

    I don't have time too so I have to rely on playing the online dating game which sucks but it is the best I can do at the moment.
  • 1
    @Nanos wow so if we combine rules.. We don't have to shouldn't go on dates with them 🤣
  • 1
    @Nanos How do you get your numbers, or have you pulled them out of your ass?
  • 2
    @Nanos crazy is not boolean. Everyone is crazy in his own way.
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