Just saw this question on quora asking if saying ess-kew-ell is an indication that someone doesn't know SQL. I say SQL because there's no goddamn ee or kwell in there YOU'RE ADDING LETTERS THAT AREN'T THERE BUT SOMEHOW I'M THE MORON?!?!?!

  • 6
    MS SeQueL. Everything else is a Structured Query Language.
  • 1
    Both are totally fine. Sequel comes from the historical name, but spelling SQL as just the letters is just as correct.

    But if we're going with historical pronunciations: kubernetes, usually pronounced as "koo-bur-nett-ease", is from the Greek κυβερνήτης. That's "key-vur-nee-tees" in modern Greek, and "koo-bur-nay-tays" in Erasmian Ancient Greek.

    That's why I stick to k8s, pronounced "kates" or "katy is having a bit of a tantrum".
  • 0
    Oh and FYI:

    GIF is of course pronounced with the G-sound like "gimballing giraffes".
  • 1
    When people start pulling their pronunciation opinions, it usually leads to internal cringe...
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