Fuck me Doom: Eternal is brilliant. People said what they liked and disliked about Doom 2016 and they just listened. Imagine that!

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    Wouldn't call it brilliant. It's a fun game, but so far i liked Doom 2016 more.

    The gameplay of Eternal seems overloaded. You need to glory kill to gain health, use the chain saw for ammunition and incinerate enemies to gain armor. The glory kills were necessary before too, but the chain saw was more of an instant kill that gave you ammunition. Now it's a necessity to kill regularly with it.

    You have so much to keep track of during combat, it's a bit too much at times. Sometimes it almost feels like work.

    They also got a bit carried away with the unlocks, the unlocks of unlocks, and the collectibles.

    The platforming is omnipresent now and can be quite annoying to go through.

    Despite that i'm stilling having fun. I'm curious how it will play out at the end.
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    Can't wait to shelter in hell
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    I agree with the first two words.
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    I remember to original doom was a guy with a gun and fist walking around In a dungeon?.

    I haven't played the new dooms but saw a video of eternal yesterday .... Reminded me of Halo and well all the other open world games?

    So what's the diff? (I don't play fps in general though do maybe they all just look the same to me)
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    lol... agreed
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    @billgates tight controls, beefy and punchy guns, movement based combat, no reload, resource management. In halo and other FPS you really just pop a couple guys, run to the next room, do it again.

    In the recent Dooms it feels more like a fight to survive; all the AI behave differently (they dont all just rush your position a la CoD and they have much more diversity of behavior than Halo). Instead of putting emphasis on counters (always use this gun to deal with this enemy otherwise you're fucked), the emphasis is on movement. And this time, compared to doom 2016, they really amped up the movement potentials.

    Plus its SO MUCH FASTER than any of those other mentioned, and as a consequence the game feels much more frantic and poised to deliver more of the "edge of your seat" feeling.
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    @Makenshi i think the reason you're having an issue with ammo is you may need to be more accurate or economize your shots. For example the shotgun grenade really is A+ because it doesnt cost anymore ammo than a regular bullet. It also may be that you just need to upgrade your ammo cap more. Personally i prefer using the chainsaw to running around the bloody map scrounging for resources, but hey if you like a break in the action to go inspect the ground, by all means.

    The upgrades are just as numerous as before, you have weapon, suit, and meta upgrades. Only difference is the meta ones have that little bonus to think about.

    Yes combat does have more, but they're more tools not more hindrances. Plus they're so much more useful later during encounters with more powerful enemies like the upgraded hell knight.

    One thing i am a bit sad about is the upfront story. God i just dont care.

    Just my thoughts, not saying you need to git gud or anything. To each his own.
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    @StefanH i disagree, but that's usually how sequels are. It definitely fell victim to overhype but it's definitely not less fun imo
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    It's alright, it's not really doom though. I could do without the platforming entirely.

    Also a pistol fan, so I'm a lot disappointed about that.
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