
Who chooses the Weekly Rant?
Are we allowed to make suggestions?

I suggest because a lot of people are at home and we need some distractions that every just post pictures of their pets.

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    "But it remains unknown"

    Excuse me, but I think you made a mistake. Because I am not the origin of the weekly rants.
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    It is a little known fact that actually i choose the weekly topics. It might be dev related it might be your credit card numbers, who knows, im a diagnosed sociopath.
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    wk201: What should we ask next week?
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    I have a list of prompt ideas that I review every week. It's 17 pages long. Most are too specific to get enough responses or too closed-ended to get more than one word answers or too wordy to fit the space. After the first 100 or so it got a lot harder because the low hanging fruit questions that most people can easily answer have been asked already.
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