My bitch ass employer won't allow work from home saying unless government enforces it, he can't allow it and reason he is giving is that wE wOn't be AbLE tO communicAtE via SkyPE?
I am so pissed that such people. Everyone citizen has non serious attitude that they saying things like "Nothing gonna happen", "Chill, you are panic way to much about the Corona virus", while number of cases are increasing exponentially here too!
I have realized that people don't understand something unless it happens to them.
This is shit.
As rational beings, we should be taking drastic measures while we can but NO!
Fuck You!

  • 10
    Meanwhile in your neighbor country Iran people are dying like flies.
  • 0
    @rutee07 , we use Skype at work too. I am unable understand these brilliant minds.
  • 0
    @heyheni, as I said, people don't understand until same happens to them.

    BTW how do you know where I am from ?
  • 6
    @AngryDev9981 I always check peoples profiles first before commenting. 🙂
  • 1
    @heyheni, oh that's how :')
  • 1
    @heyheni, you are from Switzerland , so how are things over there regarding virus ?
  • 3
    @AngryDev9981 Borders are basically closed in all European countries. The swiss goverment was bit slow in responding to this crisis. And as a small country with no natural resources the Federal Council was hesitant to enforce a complete lockdown. So they beged everyone to stay home and restaurants and non essential shops had to close. However every day life still feels very normal. People enjoying sunny spring and 20*C outside instead of beeing looked away at home. So that "please" doesn't work as desired. On the plus side everyone is super relaxed. Which is really good because we swiss have the reputation of beeing no fun workaholics. It's like vacation from capitalism.
  • 2
    @Jilano The Fall Of The Roman Empire 2
  • 3
    Stories like this make me really happy about my employer. (We are a cruise-specific travel agency, so we are hit really hard by Codvid19 and its implication. Also, we're in Germany and cases are skyrocketing, and we are still behind the curve of Italy.)

    On Monday, my team lead messaged us that if we notice any, even slight symptoms: "Stay home." Either as a sick day or as home office day. There was some friction in setting home office up, but all in all the situation is taken very seriously.

    Well, just remember your bitch ass employer after the crisis is over and get the hell out of that place asap.
  • 5
    Use up all your sick days, then call in dead
  • 0
    My employer (Europe’s biggest emergency coordination center) simply bought hundreds of thin clients for calltakers and emds to work from home in February. I (softwaredeveloper) am working from home since the first week of March.
  • 0
    @karma what the fuck are Sick days? I read about that every time and still wonder if I got this right: do you have an amount of days you can call in sick per year? Lets say, you are allowed to be sick for 20 days?
  • 1
    @dsteiner yes that‘s how it works in the USA if you‘re lucky and your employer allows that. You can‘t just call in sick like in the rest of the developed world. That’s why sick staff serves you food at McDonald’s as low wage workers can‘t afford to be sick.
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