! Dev

I don't know much about the biology, but from what i know, a virus is never treatable. In due course of time we might generate a medicine that will modify our immunity system to fight against it, like polio and when this medicine is available, all the human race would get it and that's how this epidemic ends.

Until then, we all would need a total social isolation at some instance of time, as it is being done now.

But here is my main question : what to do until then? How will the economy survive? General stores, grocery markets, restaurant and fast food, clothings and many other industries and dominantly involves direct interaction.

Shutting down and going online is also not the solution. Poor/small businesses can't afford it. companies like amazon , dominos, etc have huge network of delivery guys for e shopping, but won't that be soon banned too?

Looks like our technology in robotics and drone delivery is too slow to be proved effective in this situation . I am hoping the technology would be a solution to such situation.

What are your thoughts about it?

  • 1
    They have to reopen the club penguin servers. Ffs all the social interaction we need can be expressed through those penguins
  • 3
    The main push isn't to keep people from getting it, but to slow down the rate people get it at so the health system doesn't crumple under the rush... So, we don't want our hospitals to be like our toilet paper.

    Seriously, why no toilet paper? WTF?
  • 0
    I doubt we will see a ban on deliveries, as much as that sucks for delivery people, it feels like the only way for others to properly isolate.

    It’s much more likely that this will be prolonged and small businesses will essentially go under. We’re probably looking at the expansion of large companies to even larger companies.
  • 3
    A few things: Viruses can be treated, but only indirectly, as they aren't even living (you can't kill a dead obviously). Drugs may prevent the virus entering cells.

    The isolation is not to "extinguish" the virus but prevent the collapse of the public health system. As some interaction is unavoidable, so they will continue to be allowed (ultimately it is risk management, as bad as it sounds).
    Unnecessary stores will close (cloth, electronics, barbers).

    The economy will survive only by being helped by states - Germany promised unlimited credits for the economy and to allow bankrupt businesses to operate until September.

    Yes, it will cost a lot - and many people will loose their job.
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