Guys cam you help me

  • 15
    Sure thing, that'll be $165 per question paid in advance.
  • 1
    @C0D4 this is school homework not a job or something
  • 3
    Nah. I had a similar exercise last year (building a simple linked list). Figure it out yourself, or you'll learn nothing.
  • 1
    @kescherRant i did but the teacher said its wrong
  • 3
    @scofield You gotta do school homework yourself.
  • 2
    @scofield If the teacher said it's wrong, figure out what's wrong.
  • 1
  • 11
    @scofield but I'm doing the work for you, so it's a job for me 🤨
  • 4
    Out of curiosity, how shall we help you if we:
    - Don't know your specific problem? E.g. "what is meant by the question ... ? I only understand [this part] but not [another part] ."
    - Your solution. E.g. "I tried solving it by doing ... [code here] ." Break it into small pieces.

    Those are the key requirements for getting help anywhere - also later in a job, as it helps others to understand where you have a problem.

    If you don't give us something, it just seems like "do the homework for me so I don't have to" - and nobody likes that. It does not even help you.

    Anyway, welcome to devRant.
  • 2
    @sbiewald brothers .. i got you .i got do es on my own
  • 3
    You could at least type out the question so we can read it better
  • 3
    I agree with the general sentiment, that this is just fishing for a ready-made solution out of laziness. That said, there's a really nice open-source book about data structures and algorithms:


    Read that, it will probably provide all the insight you need.

    And just for the heck of it: learn an ML-based language such as OCaml or Haskell, and see how easy defining and using a type for (immutable) linked lists is in these languages. Maybe, just maybe, you'll never want to go back to Java after that.
  • 6
    I CAN HAZ INTERNEZ! PLZ GIVE ME TEH CODEZ!!!!1oneoneimsuchalazyfuckeleven
  • 1
    If I worked with linkedLists I would try.
    Really small tip, try to visualize your ideas / algorithms by using a flowchart.

    It really helps massively.
    advice from a student to a student.
  • 2
    @scofield I've met many programmers who can't see their way through a linked list problem. They can be confusing at first, but worth learning.
  • 4
    @devphobe What's so complex about a linked list? I can understand a double linked list taking a bit of time, but a single linked one?
  • 2
    @PrivateGER I'm questioning this myself.

    It's not really different to a 1 dimensional array in other languages.
  • 1
    @C0D4 @ProvateGER , other languages provide the list comprehension functions for you. In school, you should learn how to write them yourself. In the workforce, it's totally acceptable to not know how modules like lodash work.
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