
I hate ppl

  • 5
    Are you sure you don't want to censor your user name more than once. But yeah, jerks.
  • 4
    On discord username censorship is fairly unnecessary as you'll need the tag @p100sch
  • 6
    @Ranchu I'm just ticked off by the inconsistency.
  • 4
    Indeed, people suck.
  • 0
    @frankot I was waiting for assignment
  • 0
    oh yea and check out https://steamcommunity.com/profiles...

    he did the profile pic
  • 1
    I got let go one week ago by this startup for which I was working remotely. However there is a strict 30 days notice period which needs to pass until our contract is terminated. Meanwhile they are not assigning me any tasks. Fuckers will have to pay anyways so Im not even asking for tasks. Fuck them
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