First time working remote.

My manager sent us all remote. I am a student in apprenticeship with a school doing remote work too.

I caught a slight diharrea, doing some C in the WC.

Is this distubing if I find myself more productive on the toilet ? xD

  • 3
    It is definatly "Shit Code" that has a Smell.
  • 0
    That is fcking disgusting mate. All that disease is on ur hands and now on ur laptop and will be there until u sanitize it.
  • 1
    "if it sounds stupid but it works, then it ain't stupid"
  • 0
    Same for your smarphone :)

    I do some serious cleaning every week (a bit maniac :3)
  • 0
    Immersed in your own cosmic fumes.
  • 2
    @zemaitis how do you shit if it ends up on your hands during the process?
  • 0
    @electrineer why else do people wash their hands after taking a shit? You think he washes his laptop after that diarrhea? Or according to you its fine to take a shit with your laptop as long as shit doesnt get on laptop? Holy shit the ignorance.
  • 2
    @zemaitis the cleaning up afterwards involves hands, so it's likely to get them dirty at that point. Just toss the lappy away before that. Why would you only wash your hands if your feces flies all over the place.
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