So, continuing with the story, I decided to quit today.

I'm not even a month there, and I'm running out of there in flames.

I've got 2 panic attacks in one week, I'm not sacrificing my mental health for some idiot's scam.

  • 5
    Sounds like you've been at a startup with a narcissist running the show. I've been there. Good for you for quitting.
  • 1
    @123username that's the best way to describe the situation
  • 1
    @M1sf3t I have a small support network, a good setup, and skills. I thing I'll find something before I run out of funds
  • 3
    @ducktyped Yes, I already have some gigs from previous clients lined up. And most of all, I'm being very productive with next to 0 stress.
  • 1
    @galileopy good call mate. There are tons of jobs out there. I'm sure you'll find something. Good luck!
  • 0
    My best friend went through similar situation. Don't fight it or try to make yourself understand something when you are in panic. Take time off. Start somewhere else.
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