
A situation i just dealt with on my tech help Discord server:

"my gpu isn't working and i need it to update my bios"

"i have to have a cpu and ram to update my bios?"

this kid thought he only needed a mobo, GPU and PSU

he's 19


  • 4
    Hm, thought the bios lived on the motherboard. The more you know...
  • 11
    @Marl3x yeah but you cannot fucking boot or reach the BIOS without a CPU and RAM. Most boards even scream or beep at you if one or both is/are missing
  • 8
    Can't say I've heard that one before. Most of the time when I hear someone say they need to update their BIOS, they tend to know what a PC needs to even turn on
  • 5
    Yeah, sure, maybe is some fairy land... WTF dude, next you are going to say we need fucking electrons! ;-)
  • 3
    Maybe he had ASUS USB BIOS Flashback? Or something similar?
  • 2
    @pmso he wasn't smart enough to know what those were, his mobo didn't have that and that usually requires CPU/RAM anyway.
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