I will find you and murder you for thinking this is okay

  • 27
    Why the hate though if the developer wants to make sure you are enjoying using his library? 🤔
  • 6
    Be careful from leaving FingerPrints after ur done 🚶
  • 18
    @HitWRight I'd be fine with it if I signed up for it.
    This bot has scraped the starred list, found my email address in another commit and sent me this totally useless email for a library I never even used.
  • 10
    @PrivateGER if that's a bot then Fuck them. I was under the impression that the library is completely new, and the single developer is really passionate about it and wants it to succeed.
    There are many lovely people in Foss community
  • 9
    @HitWRight The library has 10k+ stars.
    There are many nice people indeed, but botting the star list instantly results in star removal.
  • 4
    The developers are also literally Valve.
  • 2
    This is the reason my commits are created to an email I don't check, only autopromote from.
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