
Started porting one application written in php to:
Golang(and some libraries to make certain sht simpler like GORM and Gorilla amongst a couple of others, most shit is STD shit already built in)

Java Spring(I know it well, but wanted to try this particular app in it, lots of boilerplate although the coded is solid AF)

.NET Core API, which I separated in a series of modules for the domain interface, the persistence logic, the actual api etc, I really dig it. It has a basic React frontend in Typescript whereas the other 2 versions are using the standard Go html/template package and the Twig interface for Spring.

My favorite thus far is Golang. I find it extremely easy to extend, the language reads good enough for a retard like myself to make sense of it fairly easy, really easy to test and experiment with it, any idea I get for something to add(say users and stuff) took me less than 30 mins to figure out while reading the actual documentation, as in the base documentation or just the source code.

I know the language is retard proof, and I am highly enjoying this. Not to say that the other two are bad, not at all, been using C# and Java for years now, but I highly appreciate being able to concentrate on functionality rather than all the fucking architectural boilerplate needed to run basic shit in the other two frameworks. Thus far Golang has been a breath of fresh air the likes Clojure gives me, while not even being a profound or mind blowing language in terms of features(since other than the interface{} and goroutines i can't think of shit) and have not reached a scenario in which I am stuck or dying to have generics one bit for the overall business logic.

The app is growing like crazy in terms of code since the original php application was huge to begin with, but dear me this shit is as simple as it can get without being too technical. Might move it to production once all usability tests pass and force the rest of the staff to learn it. I have one lead dev that damn near refuses to touch anything other than php, and a very eager to try shit out content administrator that comes from a Java and C# background.

all I want to say is how much I love go haha

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    Didnt you forget something?
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    @yellow-dog I don't know enough Scala enough to apply it into a project yet, plus I need something that the other retards can pick quick af or else we will be stuck in a php shop forever
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    Hell yes.

    Having gone through a bunch languages in my 16 years of professional dev existence, Go is indeed a breath of fresh air.
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    @Angry it really is man. I find that the shortest most logical course of action needed to do something is normally what the language follows. I tend to dislike Python for a lot of things, but find myself using it for a lot of glue tasks or short scripts that automate stuff for me. In terms of Golang I can see myself replacing a lot of this tasks taking consideration of a type system. I am not blinded by Golang's faults, the type system is not perfect, a lot of things aren't, but the simplicity behind it really catches me saying "oh that was what I thought it was" way more often than "wait how did that work?" and for that I love it. Another language that I have been following is Scala, but it does have a learning curve as compared to Golang, within one week of playing with golang I was able to have multiple things up and running. googling up a couple of other things I was able to take effect of quite a number of design patterns that are unobtrusive AF
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