Hey, what do you think about standing desks? Does someone use it?

  • 3
    Have one at work. I'm not at my desk often enough to make use of it
  • 5
    They make my feet hurt.
  • 2
    I love it! We all have them at the office. They're amazing.

    1. You can change positions while working - no need to sit all day long. Good for my backaches
    2. Even if you don't feel like standing, adjusting the right height for you individually helps your carpal tunnel and student's elbow
    3. When someone comes over they don't need to stand with their backs bent to see wtf u doing. Esp when there are a few 'guests' whick makes sitting them all 'round you impossible. Lift the table and gather around sranding.
  • 0
    Knees hurt
  • 1
    I use it for a couple of hours a day. Help me get over the food coma after lunch.
  • 1
    @netikras that's exactly why I want one.
    Other problem with sitting is that I get more sleepy and it's annoying
  • 2
    I even have one at home. I Love it
  • 0
    I'm considering one. Even though I don't see myself standing all day, it's good to cycle positions, i.e. standing for 10-15 minutes every hour.
  • 1
    Yes, but get a rug or something underneath your feet otherwise your feet will hurt after a while
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