
draw.io is moving to diagrams.net, because .io domains are not secure.

Source: https://diagrams.net/blog/...

  • 0
    Yeah, I was so confused that they don't have properly huge notice about migration. Instead they have "distraction-free" notice on bottom that disappeared without me knowing.
  • 1
    @vintprox It's not the price. The post says that the .io domain will still be functional alongside the .net domain. So they are only moving because of security reasons.
  • 0
    Weren't all io domains offline once too?
    I think that's why devRant moved actually.
  • 1
    @v-vp He never said that and on top of that the .net tld is planned to be commercialized which is a problem as well.
  • 2
    @p100sch he had said it. But now he has edited it.
  • 0
    @p100sch sorry for confusion, but I said it and redacted it, like, in 3 minutes, because it sounded stupid xD
  • 6
    probably got spooked by COVID-19, so they're leaving the IO region
  • 1
    @vintprox Damn it. @v-vp Sorry.
  • 1
    .bio domains are worse. They're mean specifically for organic farms, so if you create a startup with a .bio name, it could get pulled and you could say goodbye without notice or refund.

    .lgbt is even worse. They have a governing board that will pull a domain without refund if they feel you're not LGBT enough.
  • 0
    Either i dont understand how the management of domains works in this instance or these guys are idiots... Do nameserver providers just have a pool of names that you can use and if the one you want isnt there you're fucked??
  • 2
    I see: a link "due to wonderful british imperialism"

    I realize: "oh so you're incompetent people with awful opinions and i want to do nothing with you. Thanks for the info."
  • 0
    @PrivateGER Yup. They were extremely unstable back in 2016/2017.
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