
“Debugging” is like being the detective in a crime drama where you are also the murderer.

  • 6
    Apparently picking the correct category also requires being a detective.
  • 0
    @Root A psychopath does not discriminate between topics, it just murders in each and every topic.
  • 2
    @percyX That's me. You're a quick study. 🙂
  • -1
    @shes-coding you know you just made me giggle. I'll hunt you down.
  • 2
    @Root Not to mention that this is reposted old shit.

    You don't need to look any further than devRant to know where all this shitty software comes from. It's by people who are already too dumb for a simple multiple choice test.
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop That's why you must start writing better softwares but if you can't just pip uninstall yourself. Toxic pieces of shits like you are the main reason devRant is actually useful, so sod off and rant somewhere else.
  • 1
    @percyX If you stupid shit-eating maggot had been bright enough to use the proper category, then I wouldn't even have seen it because I'm filtering away the whole meme category, given what a dumpster of crap it has become because of retards like you.

    Do the world a favour and just hang yourself - that would raise the world's average IQ for sure.

    Sure I'm toxic with idiots because welcoming idiots is like shitting in one's living room.
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop @Fast-Nop It wouldn't be a favour to the world dickhead. It's just you dick feels hurt and probably have been stuck in a door or something.

    Everyone makes mistakes once in a while and by god if you say that you do everything blunt as Hitler's dick in the first attempt your mother gave birth to Hitler's dick.
    Stop being Hitler's dick.
  • 1
    @percyX I have seen used handkerchiefs being more creative than just pulling off a Hitler.
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop Yeah so go use one of those handkerchiefs to wipe the jizz off your head dickhead.
  • 0
    @percyX Yeah you could team up with that handkerchief, just on a par.
  • -1
    @Fast-Nop nah i dont wanna team up with you. i dont work with amateurs.
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