
React.js cause it doesn’t follow web components standard.

Well over the years there is one thing that lasts and those are established standards.

Those things move slowly and obviously don’t keep up with innovation but on the other hand same companies that make those innovative tools that go high develop standards that not always are in tact with already developed frameworks.

So frameworks come and go and give some abilities before standards are established.

It might be unpopular opinion but it is how the world works. Humans are replaceable and die but standardized products are something that lasts for ages.

  • 4
    I agree on react, but I'm also becoming less confident there will be the moment of inspiration that gets web components off the ground in a meaningful way.
  • 3
    @SortOfTested Web components are developing slowly, but what they bring is here to stay - shadow DOM, CSS variables, event-based communication, element-based state... Pretty sure they'll never be "the next big thing", but I'm confident they'll spread quietly, the way window.fetch replaced $.ajax and the way document.querySelector turned jQuery into unnecessary bloat.
  • 3
    Are you Sure that web components and React are mutually exclusive? I'd rather say they can complement each other because react doesn't try to do its own take on web components
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