
How is hostinger so cheap ?

  • 2
    Shared hosting, shared resources, 1000+ sites per server.

    unless your shoving up a low traffic/resources project, then it's almost useless.
  • 7
    You are renting a very big and beautiful house with a pool, sauna, a big garden near seaside just for 20$ per month. But there is a downside. Another random 100 tenant living with you. One or more of them maybe murderer, doctor, stripper, someone that you may love, werewolf, a billionaire, a penguin or an alien (not necessarily friendly).
  • 0
    I get "shared" hosting. But godaddy's expensive than hostinger. Hostinger is like dirt cheap. Is the hosting on hostinger that bad.
  • 1
    By being absolutely trash tier.
  • 2
    @mentions godaddy... did you seriously just say that around here?

    They just charge more for absolute garbage.
    Buy a domain, have fun transferring it out.
    Buy hosting, have fun getting any support.

    Hostinger, although I'm not a customer, I wouldn't suspect you get much better service given the pricing.

    I pay $30/month for a private vps which hosts most of my personal stuff, support is within a couple of hours and they have live chat which I use instead of their ticketing system. It's amazing how much quicker things get escalated through those 😂
    Granted the price is a bit high, and I'm more then capable of maintaining the servers myself, but fuck, I do that all day everyday as it is for work, someone else can deal with my shit.

    Hosting comes down to price and service, if you don't need the service, buy cheap, if you need or want the service, don't be cheap.

    After that you go dedicated cloud where you become the service centre too.
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