Every week, when I first get into the office in the morning, I think in terms of hours and pay. "This hour, I am paying off my insurance. This hour, I am paying for gas. This hour, (etc)."

Eventually, I get to "From this point on, I'm just putting money in the bank" after all expenses are paid.

This resets every pay period.

I want to make some sort of thing where you put in your gross income, expenses, and working schedule and it gives you status. "Right now you are working on: xxx", "xxx minutes until your expenses are paid", etc.

Would be cool to watch.

  • 13
    From this hour on I’m paying taxes.
    From this hour on I’m paying taxes. From this hour on I’m paying taxes. From this hour on I’m paying taxes.

    One week later:
    Nice, now I can start to pay my bills.
  • 1
    @Jilano same for me. But I know my gross income.
    If you do this on the net salary then fair enough. But you have to work more hours for the same thing๐Ÿ˜„
  • 5
    I would enjoy knowing what bills I'm paying when I take a dump at the office.
  • 3
    I built something similar a long time ago because i needed motivation for a particular job.

    It was a pay tracker webpage that listed my hourly rate on top (at 8h/day, 5 days/week), and a normalized horuly rate just beneath that (24 hours/day, 7 days/week). Both also had after-tax rates.

    It had three circles in the center of the page making a triangle. These were for cents, pay for the day, and total pay. I tweened their background gradients so the bubbles would fill based on their units, so the first would fill every time i earned another cent (after-tax), and the second would fill at the end of the day. The third filled manually: I would enter the amount of each deposited paycheck, and the js would calculate how much I should have earned by then, so I could see how much money the company still owed me.

    Whenever I needed some motivation, I would look at the daily bubble and see how much money I had earned so far that day. and it's always nice to see the cent bubble filling quickly, too. It's just a cent, but hey, it's a cent. (and honestly, with that job it really didn't fill very quickly.)

    Also: For that job, the paycheck bubble is still stuck at 50%. Surprise surprise.
  • 2
    Motivation to have a job: health insurance that avoids me paying a $1 million bill...

    So far this year according to my insurance I already saved $30,000...

    A surgery itself would be $500,000 then for all the other stuff like nurses, hospital, home care... That's easily another $500,000...

    Annual max out of pocket is $3,000.

    And today I was reminded why I still have a job... That pays decent...

    I'm the guy that actually does things well and fixes things for good....

    So many WTFs today/this week....

    Maybe it's good I work in IT and not FANG.... I can put in minimal effort and still look good...
  • 2
    @Root That sounds rather complete! I want to do something very similar but more budget oriented than motivation oriented but I will be adding certain components just for motivation ("Time until you can clock out"!)
  • 2
    And then i read this... and guess Wally is right... but seriously bugs on a site that also looks like it was built back in the 1990s... by a 10 year old?

    Am I really expecting excellence...
  • 0
    I've started. It's a Linux terminal app using curses written in Python 3

    Finding the schedule / calendar bullshit kinda difficult.
  • 1
    @Jilano yes medical prices are inflated because insurance companies are probably in bed with hospitals and Drs...

    It it weren't for my medical bills I could probably not work for 5-10 years...
  • 0
    @Jilano well it's 3k max though insurance use prolly another 10k yearly... They don't ever list the annual price... Just per paycheck...

    As long as it cost way more for the medical treatments.... It's like being the big guy at an all can eat buffet...

    But that 10k is like what I pay, employer supposedly contributes another half...
  • 0
    That's a really nice idea. When I first started out contracting I wrote something similar but it just sat in my task bar counting up how much I was earning based on my hourly rate.

    Was fun to see how much I earned taking a shit ๐Ÿ˜
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