
Why is it still painful, even with CSS5 and HTML5, to style a HTML checkbox???

I think it is retarded that you literally have to "hide" the checkbox and place your own box on it.

  • 4
    Step 1) don't
    Step 2) let someone else do it for you http://www.csscheckbox.com/
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    Can we talk about the spinner for numeric inputs though? I know you can hide it with css alone, it just gets me how wonky that boilerplate is for something so simple.
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    @C0D4 this is what I end up doing most of the time. Still think it would be better if it was built into CSS.
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    @ltlian well, nobody said it's easy to provide browser developers with single thorough style spec and expect them to integrate it the same way. For them it may seem a wishlist, not normal priority task. Well, I understand them: just imagine spreading this on internal level and seeing these browsers to fail it many times before it gets ideally finished. So it seems far easy to throw off this burden of infinite styling on us by at least allowing to hide these arrows. 🤷‍♂️😏
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    Make your own native checkbox with web components.
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    @C0D4 They are all horrible
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    @010001111 there checkboxes, beyond building your own inside a label or adding javascript to a div what do you expect, also... there a base, I don't expect people to actually copy/paste as is... but then I do set a high bar for devs apparently.
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    <my-input type=„checkbox“ />

    What label? No label
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