
Fuck you stackoverflow. You should have told me this before I changed my username. Did you expect me to know this somehow???

  • 8
    Yep, I expect you to be up to date with all things SO.

    "Marked as repost"
    "Marked as duplicate"
    "Downvoted for not knowing how to use SO"

  • 2
    @C0D4 sarcasm? It's a bit hard to tell.
  • 2
    @v-vp I thought it was obvious 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @C0D4 Nah. There was the possibility that you were hardcore stackoverflow evangelist.
  • 2
    @v-vp afraid not, I can't stand the community in general, but I do appreciate the content.
  • 1
    Why do you need to change your display name more frequently than every 30 days anyway?
  • 0
    @SomeNone I don't want to. But trust me if something is allowed people will do it anytime they want to. Just for fun.

    Imagine you bought a phone and after you reboot it, it says you can only use this phone once. How would you feel?
  • 0
    At least you get to change it to a cool prank name right on The Big Joke Day Everyone Totally Loves and Doesn't Just Put Up With!
  • 1
    You: I agree to terms of service
    Also you: you should've told me
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